Forums - Hyper fighting thread Show all 81 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Hyper fighting thread ( Posted by Bezerka on 06:09:2001 01:10 PM: Hyper fighting thread I really wanna get into this game for some weird reason. Any experts of this classic sf game out there? Posted by BloodRiotIori on 06:09:2001 01:18 PM: yep. but remind me, hyper fighting is 'street fighter 2 turbo', isn't it??? i get confused and muddled nowadays Posted by Mr Creed on 06:09:2001 02:17 PM: Re: Hyper fighting thread quote: Originally posted by Bezerka I really wanna get into this game for some weird reason. Any experts of this classic sf game out there? You have good reason for wanting this game. I picked it up a few weeks ago for the PSX along wirth an arcade stick and I must say that it was a wise investment. It may be old but its still as fun (and damned tough) as ever. The CPU Zangeif, Honda and Blanka are real assholes Its wierd that a 3 hit combo still feels so satisfying too (Ken: jmpHP, stdHP into SRK) Posted by Grasshoppa! on 06:09:2001 03:26 PM: What is a realiable anti-air with M.bison(US) ?? Posted by Bezerka on 06:10:2001 03:30 AM: yeah 3 hiters are fucking deadly in hyper fighting, i once got beaten in about 9 seconds cause i threw a fireball at the start of the round. The other guy jumped and did: Jumping Roundhouse -> Stand Fierce -> Light DP then im dizzy Then he does Jumping Cross Over Round Roundhouse -> Stand Fierce -> Heavy DP and guess what? im dead very embarrasing Posted by mondu_the_fat on 06:10:2001 03:40 AM: How about a 2 fireball dizzy ? Try this: fireball, pause, fireball. Dizzy. I have a friend who acn do this so well it's irritating. Posted by Mr. E on 06:10:2001 06:32 AM: there are a shitload of redizzy comboes in HyperFighting. Most of them are looked down upon in general play, and banned in tourneys, which makes sense since the game then becomes a touch of death type deal. Posted by Iceman on 06:10:2001 09:01 PM: Anti-air with M.Bison. That's a hard one in HF. Jumping straight-up kick is the only thing I can think of. Posted by focus on 06:10:2001 09:44 PM: i'm actually very lucky cuz about 2 months ago i bought the sf2 turbo arcade machine for only $300 bucks!! better than getting a damn ps2 =] Posted by ShoryukenBlast on 06:11:2001 11:41 AM: If you guys have ZSNESw and the right roms we could play against each other . I havent played old skool in a long time this would be cool! Posted by shadowfighta on 06:11:2001 12:53 PM: Get Callus... it has network play for the SF2 HF rom Posted by mondu_the_fat on 06:12:2001 02:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. E and banned in tourneys Is this true ? Never heard of that before. Posted by Bezerka on 06:12:2001 02:24 AM: Any body tried the netplay for callus, i played it with a friend and it was pretty laggy, u do a fireball and it comes out about 1 second later. Best to pick spammer charaters like Ehonda when play on the net. Just slap em to death and land the ocasional mash throw. Posted by SilverGear on 06:12:2001 02:34 AM: Yep quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat Is this true ? Never heard of that before. Yep you bet. It kinda sucks if you ask me but oh well. The same rules apply for some SSF2T tournies as well. <----- Remembers for getting in trouble back in the day for using an M. Bison Dizzy combo in a SSF2T tourney. Posted by Bezerka on 06:15:2001 12:33 PM: Posted by BloodRiotIori on 06:15:2001 02:11 PM: Re: Yep quote: Originally posted by SilverGear Yep you bet. It kinda sucks if you ask me but oh well. The same rules apply for some SSF2T tournies as well. <----- Remembers for getting in trouble back in the day for using an M. Bison Dizzy combo in a SSF2T tourney. what are these red-dizzy combos? could you give a few examples? Posted by Apoc on 06:15:2001 02:32 PM: Re: Yep quote: Originally posted by SilverGear Yep you bet. It kinda sucks if you ask me but oh well. The same rules apply for some SSF2T tournies as well. <----- Remembers for getting in trouble back in the day for using an M. Bison Dizzy combo in a SSF2T tourney. Ok...I've been playing in tourneys since CE. Where the heck did you play where redizzies were outlawed? Stupid. And on top of that...I'd like to know what this Bison Redizzy on ST is. I mean, you can kill the opponent in six hits. 3 hits dizzies...what the hell kinda combo can you do that re-dizzies without killing with Bison on ST. And no. There is only one damage setting on arcade ST. So I wanna hear this re-dizzy cuz this is REALLY smelling like shit to me. Apoc. Posted by Crayfish on 06:15:2001 03:07 PM: RE-dizzy? Yeah right, I never heard of a re-dizzy in ST. I didn,t think that the engine allowed re-dizzies however many hits you get. Posted by Bezerka on 06:16:2001 01:36 AM: Chances are u'll get some 1 dizzy then ur next combo will kill them, so no need for redizzy. Posted by ckl on 06:16:2001 02:03 AM: bison had no real anti-air so he suck in sf2t!btw,blanka,sagat and chunli are also dominate! Posted by energon on 06:16:2001 02:56 AM: I've never heard of Re- Dizzies being banned either. I mean actually there are not very many re-dizzy that can be applied in gameplay. I mean seriously I played and still play HF all the time and have never seen anybody really pull off a redizzy. Posted by Apoc on 06:16:2001 05:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by energon I've never heard of Re- Dizzies being banned either. I mean actually there are not very many re-dizzy that can be applied in gameplay. I mean seriously I played and still play HF all the time and have never seen anybody really pull off a redizzy. Despite the fact that some of the re-dizzies are somewhat easy I have seen very few pulled off in tourney. It depends on the match-up, in the corner or not...etc. But MANY are applicable in gameplay. Ryu's, Guile's, Rog's to name a few. Depending on the character though...getting someone into the corner for repeated ticks, landing a TOD or just running away are more necessary strategies and if you happen to get a dizzy along the way...good for you. Dizzies just weren't too common to begin with in good tournies. Ryu dizzies Sagat it's GGPO...however the matches between sagat and ryu on HF were always damn intense and by the time there would be a dizzy there was no need to redizzy. Apoc. Posted by energon on 06:16:2001 05:18 AM: What are all these re-dizzies with ryu, balrog etc then??? Posted by Apoc on 06:16:2001 11:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by energon What are all these re-dizzies with ryu, balrog etc then??? Ryu can simply do cr.short x's 4, fierce, fierce fireball. Some characters you'll want to do 3 shorts which leads to a 1 point differential giving you a re-dizzy or it will take your next hit to do so. Balrog's re-dizzy...and this is mine dammit. Though I've told it through the years I've NEVER seen anyone else land it(no it's not that hard imo) and since I was never shown it...since I had to convince leet players it was real by using it at world's finest I dub this re-dizzy MINE. All mine. At least this one. Jumping frc, low short x's2, st. short, dash upper, st. fierce. On most characters you'll need to omit one low short making it require one more short or jab to dizzy again but most of the time it just redizzies. This combo I use only in certain match-ups because some characters it's just easy to land on. So if you want to practice this one do it on ken,ryu,chun li, and zangief. On gief you can easily do the guaranteed redizzy. This absolutely will not work on blanka ever. Or you can do this combo without jumping in on others just by using 3 low shorts then continue with the rest............MINE MINE MINE! Apoc. Posted by ckl on 06:16:2001 12:13 PM: hf rog or st rog is better? Posted by MvC2Fighter on 06:16:2001 12:22 PM: Callus Netplay is very fun. I have SF: HF the arcade machine and play it all the time. You want re-dizzy's ?? I'll tell you Guile's it's frickin' sick, but with Ryu or Ken , start out doing, cross over Roundhouse,s.FP,Fierce DP as said before it's sickly, or if not comfortable with that, do a fireball instead of DP. Here's Guile's combo, he is also the BEST in the game by far. Get opponent in corner dizzy, c.jab (while holding down),release sonic boom, (charge back again) c.strong, release sonic boom, s.Fierce Back Fist. It's nasty and takes much practice. Hope that helped someone. Posted by energon on 06:16:2001 05:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by Apoc Ryu can simply do cr.short x's 4, fierce, fierce fireball. Some characters you'll want to do 3 shorts which leads to a 1 point differential giving you a re-dizzy or it will take your next hit to do so. Balrog's re-dizzy...and this is mine dammit. Though I've told it through the years I've NEVER seen anyone else land it(no it's not that hard imo) and since I was never shown it...since I had to convince leet players it was real by using it at world's finest I dub this re-dizzy MINE. All mine. At least this one. Jumping frc, low short x's2, st. short, dash upper, st. fierce. On most characters you'll need to omit one low short making it require one more short or jab to dizzy again but most of the time it just redizzies. This combo I use only in certain match-ups because some characters it's just easy to land on. So if you want to practice this one do it on ken,ryu,chun li, and zangief. On gief you can easily do the guaranteed redizzy. This absolutely will not work on blanka ever. Or you can do this combo without jumping in on others just by using 3 low shorts then continue with the rest............MINE MINE MINE! Apoc. The standing fierce does not hit after the dash uppercut. I've bee trying to connect it and it never works. Another thing that i've done twice in my life and have never been able to duplicate is cancel a dash uppercut into a dash punch. I know it sounds like BS but i've done it on accident twice. I don't know exactly how to do it but it does work. Posted by ckl on 06:16:2001 11:56 PM: isn't rog sick in st?he was sucker of dp..... Posted by Apoc on 06:17:2001 01:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by energon The standing fierce does not hit after the dash uppercut. I've bee trying to connect it and it never works. Another thing that i've done twice in my life and have never been able to duplicate is cancel a dash uppercut into a dash punch. I know it sounds like BS but i've done it on accident twice. I don't know exactly how to do it but it does work. There are timing and distance issues that allow the fierce to land. You can do 2 dashing uppers because the charge time is so little. Never bothered with trying the dash straight after an upper though...charge time makes it seem inpractical. Lemme know if you ever find anything Apoc. Posted by Iceman on 06:17:2001 04:44 AM: That made me think of a good question. Did Rog have a legit chance against the Shoto's (mainly Ryu's cheap ass) in HF? Other then using Apoc's redizzy combo (that was for HF, right?) Posted by Nos99 on 06:17:2001 05:19 AM: I always use Rog against shotos.. Turn Punch shuts down FBs. I find on that dash > fierce thing it helps to hit with the last part of your dash too.. Apoc, couldn't you just do cross-up then short x3, fierce, fb for redizzy as well with Ryu? OoH! I've got a question too.. who wins gief vs chun? Posted by AMX on 06:17:2001 08:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nos99 I always use Rog against shotos.. Turn Punch shuts down FBs. I find on that dash > fierce thing it helps to hit with the last part of your dash too.. Apoc, couldn't you just do cross-up then short x3, fierce, fb for redizzy as well with Ryu? OoH! I've got a question too.. who wins gief vs chun? true but if some goes like this with a shoto: short x4, fp, fierce fireball dizzy then jumping in fp, standing fp, fierce DP then your like dead because the 2nd combo does like half by itself. Posted by BroodKill on 06:17:2001 08:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by AMX true but if some goes like this with a shoto: short x4, fp, fierce fireball dizzy then jumping in fp, standing fp, fierce DP then your like dead because the 2nd combo does like half by itself. Are you that guy who was at SHGL on Saturday because some guy there who kept using that 3-Hit Fierce Combo with Ken like crazy. And Bison does have a Re-Dizzy. There was some other thread a while back about SF2 and jchensor said something about the fight being over in CE as soon a Bison hit a scissor kick because that's the redizzy starter. BTW, anyone have combos for E.Honda in HF? I couldn't figure out how to combo the Hundred Handslap or anything. Anybody? Posted by Apoc on 06:17:2001 09:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by BroodKill Are you that guy who was at SHGL on Saturday because some guy there who kept using that 3-Hit Fierce Combo with Ken like crazy. And Bison does have a Re-Dizzy. There was some other thread a while back about SF2 and jchensor said something about the fight being over in CE as soon a Bison hit a scissor kick because that's the redizzy starter. BTW, anyone have combos for E.Honda in HF? I couldn't figure out how to combo the Hundred Handslap or anything. Anybody? Bison's re-dizzy was on CE. Most common re-dizzy of all time. Apoc. Posted by Dasrik on 06:17:2001 01:26 PM: As far as I know, Honda has no really worthwhile combos. But I grant you, my experience is limited. I've been able to throw in light hits after a jump forward, but that's it. Honda's really more of a turtler/grappler... you sit on your ass waiting for the opponent to make themselves vulnerable and then jab torpedo/jump roundhouse/jump, grab, HHS/whatever. Posted by Bezerka on 06:17:2001 02:44 PM: I don't think E Honda has any bufferable moves, so u can't combo in his specials, i could be wrong, it may be Honda from differnet game. Posted by ckl on 06:18:2001 04:05 AM: here is the best honda combo in sf2t:crossup forward,standing Rh.....3 hits! honda kill blanka! Posted by AMX on 06:18:2001 04:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by BroodKill Are you that guy who was at SHGL on Saturday because some guy there who kept using that 3-Hit Fierce Combo with Ken like crazy. And Bison does have a Re-Dizzy. There was some other thread a while back about SF2 and jchensor said something about the fight being over in CE as soon a Bison hit a scissor kick because that's the redizzy starter. BTW, anyone have combos for E.Honda in HF? I couldn't figure out how to combo the Hundred Handslap or anything. Anybody? yes. who are? I was dominating with that combo. shoto GOOOOOOO! I had at least 20+ wins. i did not abuse it i just did it when someone was dizzy. I just got every1 dizzy too much it looked like i was doing it too much. the only thing i abuse was the shoryuken's. I have the best mix ups with that move. Posted by AMX on 06:18:2001 04:19 AM: also some guy w/ glasses was using ryu and he made like 3 red haduoken's come out. how do you do these red firballs? p.s. i did it before on accident with ken! Posted by Servebot on 06:18:2001 12:01 PM: I think the red fireball comes out randomly in HF Posted by ckl on 06:19:2001 02:31 AM: hey!let honda master tell u honda had no hhs slap cheap combo in hf[only in st!].btw,red fb is a bug in cps1 sf2....... Posted by Apoc on 06:19:2001 01:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by ckl hey!let honda master tell u honda had no hhs slap cheap combo in hf[only in st!].btw,red fb is a bug in cps1 sf2....... Um...yes he did Mr.Wanna be Honda master. See, in HF not everyone had a dp like move. So you could do stuck like HHS when the opponent gets up and stop outside of their throw range while still in Honda's. So it was HHS...throw, repeat. And no you cannot jump out. Doesn't work on everyone but is remarkably can use it to bait as well then mix up between bait and throw. I don't even play Honda and you don't know this? Weak Chankalok. You seriously need to do more asking than trying to teach. Apoc. Posted by energon on 06:19:2001 05:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by ckl here is the best honda combo in sf2t:crossup forward,standing Rh.....3 hits! honda kill blanka! Depending on what character you can do, cross-up forward splash, standing strong, standing roundhouse. This does a ton of damage. Or otherwise I just do the regular blanka combo, jump fierce, stand strong, duck fierce. I like it better since it knocks the opponent down. Posted by Dasrik on 06:19:2001 07:15 PM: Since I never played HF in a highly competitive environment, I'm not sure what the tier ranks are like. (I mostly just played everyone.) Can anyone tell me? Posted by ckl on 06:20:2001 03:57 AM: ryu,ken,sagat,guile honda,blanka are top tier! honda gm Posted by Apoc on 06:20:2001 09:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by ckl ryu,ken,sagat,guile honda,blanka are top tier! honda gm The humor is dying. Don't tell ppl Honda is top tier in HF!? Actually I suppose it doesn't matter anymore. No one thinks you know what you're talking about and the joke isn't funny anymore But still, just to protect the newbie, you shouldn't be lying just to be funny. Apoc. Posted by Iceman on 06:20:2001 09:40 PM: I'm not 100% sure, but isn't HF top tier Guile and Ryu, with second tier made up of Sagat, Ken, Blanka, next being Balrog, Honda, Sim, Gief and/or Chun?? That leaving Bison and Vega at the bottom. Anybody mind correcting me on this Posted by ckl on 06:21:2001 05:57 AM: honda is gd against guile in hf!!!!!sumo nutt drive! u sux dun know??? Posted by MvC2Fighter on 06:21:2001 02:45 PM: Iceman: Here are the Hyper Fighting Tier's as I see them currently: Tier 1: Guile Ryu Sagat Tier 2: Zangief Ken Chun Li E. Honda Blanka Tier 3: Vega [us] Balrog [us] Dhalsim M. Bison The bottom second and top third tier's are kind of hazy but that's a pretty good idea of how they compare. You can't touch guile with a ten foot pole in Hyper Fighting. In the SNES version of SF2:Turbo Guile had a sick infinite that I found, but they removed it in Hyper Fighting unfortunately. Posted by ckl on 06:22:2001 01:14 AM: blanka should be better than honda in sf2t....... Posted by Dasrik on 07:01:2001 04:32 AM: This thread needs a bump! And ckl, you seriously need to die. Blanka is in no shape or form better than Honda in HF. Posted by Ultima on 07:01:2001 05:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik This thread needs a bump! And ckl, you seriously need to die. Blanka is in no shape or form better than Honda in HF. Why bump this thread up now? Anyway, Honda beats Blanka straight up, but Blanka in HF is a better character overall. Oh yeah, MvC2Fighter: Those rankings remind me of the ones Gamepro had listed in the back of their SNES Turbo Guide (a fantastic guide for it's time, BTW, and still pretty good now). There's no way that Blanka, Balrog and Dhalsim are that low, and Zangief's not that high. And I think Ryu should be above Guile, but the top tier is about right. And yeah, Bison is dead last. Poor guy... I still kicked ass with him though.. ^_^ Posted by Dasrik on 07:01:2001 06:04 AM: Why bump it now? Because HF fucking owns. Haha! Anyway, why do you say Blanka is a better character than Honda overall? Just curious. Posted by Snuff movie fan on 07:01:2001 06:17 AM: Dasrik: die Posted by Urotsukidoji on 07:01:2001 07:56 AM: Ok, here's my HF question. I wanna be a Zangief masta. How do I accomplish this? My friends always beat down my hairy Russian ass when I use him. Anyone got any general suggestions on how to play him in HF? Thanks. Posted by MvC2Fighter on 07:01:2001 08:28 AM: Ultima: I got help from an old HF strat guide that I found at my old work place. I believe zangief is that high because of his spinning pile driver. If you've ever seen an actual zangief master than you know what I am talking about. That shit does too much damage, but he has his disadvantages as well. I think if the opponent messes up though, zangief can almost kill him instantly. Just my .02 Posted by CHAZumaru on 07:01:2001 09:20 AM: it has always been a sure fact around me that Sagat is the best HF char so I never even tryed to contest. Posted by Bezerka on 07:01:2001 05:40 PM: Zangief pretty good cause u can virtually combo in his pile driver. Do a jump in, ducking medium kick and then do the 360 as the kick connects, if u time it right the pile driver comes out just as the other guy gets out of hit stun, so unlesss they come up with an ultra fast reversal dragon punch, u got em. Also this works even if they block. Posted by Crayfish on 07:01:2001 06:39 PM: The other two main reasons Geif is strong in Hyperfighting are: 1)The one hit dizzy (yes 1 hit) stomach crunch. Any time an opponent is directly above you in the air jump and hold straight up and press Feirce. With a little anticipation this is a deadly weapon. If you have got your combos down this is basicaly the TOD (Touch Of Death). 2)The Turbo Lariat. Geifs KKK Turbo Lariat can pass through sweeps and go straight into a SPD. This is incredibly usefull because sweeps have so much priority in Hyperfighting and are the main ground weapons of the small top teir. Also try to work in the standing Forward "Thai" style kick, its fast and rangey enough to snuff fireballs. The crouching Feirce whacks Cyclone kicks. Thats all I canthink of right now, hope this helps. Crayfish. Posted by ckl on 07:02:2001 06:32 AM: u die!honda own gif..... Posted by Dasrik on 07:02:2001 06:48 AM: ckl... I hate to say it but you are right. Honda owns Gief. Want a cookie? Anyway, probably the best thing to do with Gief is to go for crossups with his splash. If you hit with that, go into low forward - lariat for a dizzy. Also be sure to tick, Gief's ticks are harder to escape than most. CHAZumaru, Sagat is pretty good in HF, but shotos and Guile are pretty much the dominating characters. Posted by energon on 07:02:2001 07:17 AM: I think sagat is top tier. As good as ryu is, it takes a really really really good ryu player to beat a really good sagat player. Sagat is really good in HF cause first his hits take of a monster load. His tiger knee doesn't have that stupid delay they put in post HF. Sagat vs ryu is a good fight but ryu if played well can beat sagat. I think ken has more trouble because his fireball is too slow and no hurricane kick. Sagat vs Guile is a really good fight. This match up is all about spacing. Guile wins if he gets within low forward range. If he doesn't sagat fireballs guile to death. Posted by BroodKill on 07:02:2001 09:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by AMX also some guy w/ glasses was using ryu and he made like 3 red haduoken's come out. how do you do these red firballs? p.s. i did it before on accident with ken! I'm the guy who threw those red fireballs. I almost never see that second jab DP in those mix ups you do. p.s. stop countering-throwing my Ryu during my tick throw attempts. I don't know how you manage to do it, but stop. Posted by BroodKill on 07:02:2001 09:06 AM: Btw, anybody know any good strats with Dhalsim? Combos? and when the best time to use teleports are? and are his standing Fierce and Slides anti-airs? Posted by Ultima on 07:02:2001 11:22 AM: A few notes: As already mentioned, the real reason for Gief being dangerous in Hf is due to his Turbo Lariet. Lariet through sweeps and low fowards, then SPD. Gief can potientially kill you with one connected splash (splash, c.short x 4, c.roundhouse -> dizzy; splash, c.jab x 2, s.short, SPD). Even so, against wary opponents, it's very, very hard to actually get in close with Gief, which is why he doesn't belong in 4th (not to mention there are many characters that can kill you with one particular hit) Sagat is definitely top tier. Ken is most definitely not. Ken has too many troublesome fights (Bison, Vega, Guile, Ryu and Blanka, IMO) to be top tier. Sagat is top tier thanks to his long limbs, severely damaging jab Tiger Uppercut, and having the fastest projectiles in the game. As for Blanka being better than Honda, they're both good characters, it's just that Blanka has fewer tough matches than Honda (his toughest being Guile and Honda, which are much easier fights for Blanka than the near total washouts that are Shotos vs. Honda) and has an easier time against the rest of the cast in general. Apoc: I don't know about anyone else, but I knew about that Dashing Upper, S.fierce link since way back, though I could seldom pull it off. BroodKill: Sorry, Dhalsim is the character I know the least in HF, since out of all the characters who can modified on the SNES, he got modified the most (in the aracade he's awesome, on the SNES he's considerably worse since his attacks and his throw range have been reduced). I can tell you that his Roundhouse Slide is great anti-air from far, and standing jab is great anti-air from close. And AFAIK (as far as I know), never teleport. That's about it. =\ Posted by BloodRiotIori on 07:02:2001 11:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by BroodKill Btw, anybody know any good strats with Dhalsim? Combos? and when the best time to use teleports are? and are his standing Fierce and Slides anti-airs? all i know with dhalsim is that if you're close enough, hit a sliding crouching medium kick. even if the opponent blocks or gets hit, as soon as you get up from the slide you are in an excellent range to hit the medium punch throw. so slide, go forward a millimetre, then strong throw Posted by AMX on 07:02:2001 11:31 PM: what are some bison combos i tried to do the scissor kick combo but it doesnt connect for some reason can some1 cralify if i am doing it right,,roundhouse scissor kick? Posted by Dasrik on 07:03:2001 12:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ultima As for Blanka being better than Honda, they're both good characters, it's just that Blanka has fewer tough matches than Honda (his toughest being Guile and Honda, which are much easier fights for Blanka than the near total washouts that are Shotos vs. Honda) and has an easier time against the rest of the cast in general. I'm not so sure about Ken being a total washout on Honda. Ken's fireballs are not quite as fast as Honda's, giving him enough time to jump on reaction from afar or sumo splash from midscreen. The key's patience here. Vs. Ryu, Honda runs into walls because he doesn't have a good way to clear fireballs, and has to guess. quote: Apoc: I don't know about anyone else, but I knew about that Dashing Upper, S.fierce link since way back, though I could seldom pull it off. I've tried a zillion times to do this, without success. Is there anything I'm missing? And BTW, why is it that Rog's close stand fierce does absolute SHIT for damage? quote: Btw, anybody know any good strats with Dhalsim? Combos? and when the best time to use teleports are? and are his standing Fierce and Slides anti-airs? Dhalsim in HF is probably Sim at his weakest. Outside of his holds, Sim's moves do nil damage, so you have to try to go for those ticks - something that Dhal is definitely not a major force in (in HF, at least). Don't use S.Fierce as an anti-air - his best anti-airs are slides (don't do this on anyone with a splash-type move, though) and close stand jab (Sim's only hope on a jumpy Sagat). You want to poke from a distance with low punches, tick with forward slides, and go for an occasional yoga fire to force them to leave the ground. Use drills to evade fireballs and the torpedo for air-to-air battles (and NOTHING else). As for the teleport, there's only one time to use it - when you're getting trapped by fireballs. Teleport then gauge whether you are at risk for a DP, and go for the noogie. Posted by Dasrik on 07:04:2001 02:29 AM: Bump. Posted by Dasrik on 07:07:2001 12:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by AMX what are some bison combos i tried to do the scissor kick combo but it doesnt connect for some reason can some1 cralify if i am doing it right,,roundhouse scissor kick? Crouching short doesn't 2-in-1 in HF, nor is it a rapid fire move. Plus, because of the long charge time they gave the scissor knee in HF, the combo's impractical anyway. The best combo is probably something like c.jab (x2), s.jab, Psycho crusher or Scissor knee. It's really hard to connect, though, because the Psycho Crusher can sometimes be blocked and the Scissor Knee will get you killed unless it dizzies them. Posted by kalok on 07:07:2001 03:07 AM: honda and sim is much in ssf2t! stop discussing hyper figting now!!!!!!!i think why bother it when we can play super turbo....[much better] Posted by Bezerka on 07:07:2001 04:50 AM: Hyper fighting owns super turbo, for 1 thing see hyper figinting machines everywhere but not a single super turbo machine in sight. Posted by kalok on 07:07:2001 10:37 AM: i think ssf2t is much better than sf2t,st is no.1,hf is no.2!!!! music:ssf2t use qsound,fei long stage music is rock!sf2t's sound is gd but not awesome as ssf2t!!! gameplay:ssf2t had sc,soften throw,volleyball effects,etc....sf2t not....and ssf2t chars is MORE BALANCE[likes sim,balrog,honda,vega and dj are much better!]....while ryu,ken.guile and sagat dominate hf..... graphic:sf2t graphic is gd,but ssf2t graphic is even better,likes the boss had REAL ending,plus more annimation..... difficuties:need i say more???st is MUCH more deep than hf! free feel to discuss with me!:> so let move to gyl thread and end hf thread!!!!!!!! Posted by Dasrik on 07:07:2001 10:42 AM: Some of us more enjoy games without the SUPER game. Plus the claim to balance is dubious when there's that lingering dark shoto out there. And there's much more balance to HF than you give it credit for. So no, HF thread will not be dying. Posted by Apoc on 07:07:2001 12:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by kalok i think ssf2t is much better than sf2t,st is no.1,hf is no.2!!!! music:ssf2t use qsound,fei long stage music is rock!sf2t's sound is gd but not awesome as ssf2t!!! gameplay:ssf2t had sc,soften throw,volleyball effects,etc....sf2t not....and ssf2t chars is MORE BALANCE[likes sim,balrog,honda,vega and dj are much better!]....while ryu,ken.guile and sagat dominate hf..... graphic:sf2t graphic is gd,but ssf2t graphic is even better,likes the boss had REAL ending,plus more annimation..... difficuties:need i say more???st is MUCH more deep than hf! free feel to discuss with me!:> so let move to gyl thread and end hf thread!!!!!!!! HF is much more balanced than ST and no bs 50% invincible moves to come back with. And strategies are much more diverse between characters without everyone having an anti-air ala ST. And your top tier is full of shit as far as tourney stats go. Apoc. Posted by Bezerka on 07:08:2001 12:14 AM: Don't u just hate the way that capcom fucked up the voices for super and super turbo. Guile sounds like a fag, and Ken is contipated. Plus tthe changed the hard hitting sounds effects of hyper fighting to these crappy soft hitting sound affects. Posted by kalok on 07:08:2001 02:30 AM: yes!i agree....guile and ken sound like a helpless child...but,the over all music are still slightly better in st!!!!!e.g.the'death sound'of all char are added! and dun forget st is more balance so it more gameplay value!!!in sf2t,ryu,guile dominate all...... i also a great fans of hf,but when i played st,i think i like it more cos it is so hard to master! Posted by Urotsukidoji on 07:16:2001 04:05 AM: Hey guys, does anyone know...did they make it harder to do links in the snes version? For the life of me I can't pull of the shoto's into hp that was mentioned earlier. I also can't do any of the combos that CPU blanka does(The one that comes to mind is jumping attack, crouching jab, crouching fierce). Balrog's combos give me hell, too. Am I just not timing it right or did they make these things very very difficult to do? Is there some trick to doing this besides having very good timing? Posted by kalok on 07:16:2001 04:52 AM: i can't do the cpu rog combo......j.fierce,forward,rushing is hard! Posted by Apoc on 07:17:2001 06:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by kalok i can't do the cpu rog combo......j.fierce,forward,rushing is hard! First, short to fierce links is a trick. You hit low short or standing short and then go the opposite way to frc while hitting short and frc and the same to time. So, cr.short, st.short+fierce. And the Rog combo is a link that's all. A timing issue unlike ST where it is a 2in1. Apoc. Posted by energon on 07:17:2001 09:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by kalok i can't do the cpu rog combo......j.fierce,forward,rushing is hard! J Fierce, S. Forward, Dash Uppercut is easy but i thought the cpu combo was J. Fierce, S. Roundhouse, Dash Uppercut. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:41 PM. Show all 81 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.